Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds
Harriets Tea Rooms in Bury St Edmunds were faced with a landlord attempting to increase the rent by 50% at rent review. Merrifields were engaged by Harriets, the tenant, to negotiate a realistic market rent. The rent could not be agreed with the landlords surveyor. The landlords surveyor would not agree with us that the rent should not increase. As a consequence of the failed negotiations the matter proceeded to arbitration. Merrifields acted as an expert witness for the tenant and provided detailed expert valuation reports to the arbitrator outlining our case as to why the rent should not be increased at the rent review.
The arbitrator agreed with Merrifields and awarded a nil increase, the best possible result for our client. Part of our expert report requested that the arbitrator make a decision on costs. The arbitrator advised the landlord to pay all the tenants costs.