Business rates are charged on the use and occupation of non-domestic properties. Despite many reliefs currently being available most businesses have to pay business rates to the local authority. Rateable values are, however, set by the Valuation Office Agency.
Business rates are worked out by multiplying the rateable value of the property by the business rates multiplier set by central government on an annual basis. The Rating List is subject to Revaluation, normally every 5 years. The current Rating List came into effect on the 1st April 2017 (subject to a valuation date of 1st April 2015). The next Revaluation has been delayed to April 2023.
Most occupiers want their rates liability to be at the minimum level. To achieve the optimum results it is crucial for advisors to possess up to date knowledge and experience of rating law and practice. Our rating surveyor, Paul Robbins, was previously a valuer at the Valuation Office and is well placed to provide advice to clients. We can advise as to whether a rateable value is correct, submit appeals, negotiate with a Valuation Officer and, where necessary, represent clients at Valuation and Lands Tribunal hearings.
We also provide advice on other methods to reduce rating liability and the reliefs available.